What if … you went to sleep one night and when you woke up in the morning, your whole life had changed? That’s happened to Lori when she went into surgery expecting one result… but reality demanded another. Approximately 600,000 women a year are thrust into surgically induced menopause, and it reaks havoc in their lives — and that of their families.
Listen to Kelvin’s riveting interview with Lori Ann King as she details her story, and its effects on her life, and how she eventually took responsibility and control of her life, to Come Back Strong, to a happy fulfilling life, and how she continue to stay strong.
A conversation for women, and the men who love them.
Visit Lori Ann at: http://loriannking.com
Mentioned in the Podcast:
Come Back Strong (the book)
The Master Key Experience (MKMMA)
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